
Nuxt Signboard - Vue.js Supplied #.\n\nA lightweight Nuxt 3 component that utilizes the energy of CSS animations to create silklike soft signboards.\n\nInstallation.\n# if you're using npm.\nnpm i -D nuxt-marquee.\n\n# if you're using yarn.\nthread incorporate -D nuxt-marquee.\n\n

if you're using pnpm.pnpm i -D nuxt-marquee.Usage.To use this component, add it to the modules section of your nuxt.config.ts file.export default defineNuxtConfig( //.elements: [" nuxt-marquee"],. ).Instance.{-String.Split-|-}Inline design for the compartment div.class.any sort of."".Call of the css category to type the container div.autoFill.boolean.misleading.Whether to automatically fill blank space in the marquee along with copies of the youngsters or otherwise.action.boolean.true.Whether to participate in or stop the tent.pauseOnHover.boolean.false.Whether to stop the tent when floated.pauseOnClick.boolean.incorrect.Whether to stop briefly the signboard when clicked on.instructions." left" |"right" |"up" |"down"." left behind".The direction the marquee slides Precaution: Vertical signboards are actually presently experimental and also might be actually buggy. Feel free to exchange the market values of the signboard's elevation as well as width when placing them.velocity.variety.50.Rate computed as pixels/second.hold-up.number.0Timeframe to put off the animation after leave, in secs.loophole.variety.0The amount of opportunities the tent should loophole, 0 is equivalent to infinite.incline.boolean.misleading.Whether to present the slope or not.gradientColor.cord.white colored.The shade of the slope.gradientWidth.amount |strand.200.The size of the slope on either edge.Occasions.Celebration Call.Explanation.end.Sent out when the signboard ends up scrolling and ceases. Simply calls if loophole is actually non-zero.cycleComplete.Discharged when the signboard completes a loop. Does certainly not call if max loops are reached (usage onFinish instead).